my dear bloggie..diz wil be da last post for diz month i guess..
if i hv any free tyme in btwn dat tyme..promiz to hupdate any news wokey..
anyhow, now im having sum break from stdy IS..aka in4mation system..
sumtymes i do think..wats da relevant wif my kos dat im taking now..huahua=p
xperla..but still..blurr wooo at first.. left 4 days more till 'Hari Raya Aidilfitri'...
Well..tmrw..i'll be goin bec to jhr..
helping my mom to do wateva dat i hv too..
since shes been doing ol da jobs alone b4..
[mne x nyer..adeq2 yg len sumer ade big xms..]
My Angah wif SPMs...n my twin bro wif their UPSR..
UPSR done d ryte..haaaa..dey hv to help me in doing da 'guys job' la..
Hurm..many things happend lately..ol my frens r having sum personal probs..
I hope dey manage to setle it by now..sorrie 4 not helping dat much..
I just do wat i can..others, may Allah bless ol of u ryte..aminn..
okok..enaugh said d..bubbling much d i guess..haha..once a while..
well..may everything goes on smoothly..
may da besh comes insyaAllah..
as said.."da heart has da reason..but da reason is undefined"..
b4 i end ol diz up..
wud lyke to wish every1 "Salam Aidilfitri".."Ampun Maap Zahir&Batin"..
pens off..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
last tuesday..
as ppl aways said..
piccas do talks more den words.. it is..
last tuesday..i went to kl..
just to buke puase with my besties..
it was so much happier indeed..
oldo just buke puase 2geda-geda for just few hours..
bt its precious!!
i mish ol of them much d now..haih..
as ppl aways said..
piccas do talks more den words.. it is..
last tuesday..i went to kl..
just to buke puase with my besties..
it was so much happier indeed..
oldo just buke puase 2geda-geda for just few hours..
bt its precious!!
i mish ol of them much d now..haih..
hurm..others related story bout diz..
u may click 'kak azra' n 'nenek ira'..
p/s:- thanx 2 da person who brought us here..n ol da besh to ira..shes flying to dublin 13th sept 2009..diz means..dat day is da last day i meet her..OMG..i gonna miss her like org gilak..dun 4get to skype wif me k..keep in tcre over der knk2 skola rendah aways says in their eng essei.."it is a tiring journey but happy indeed"..huahuahua..=p
Monday, September 7, 2009
tagged by 'grandma'
- Anda rasa anda hot?-hot??panas..owh tidak..syerk rasa sejuk jerk..hee:P
- Upload photo kegemaran anda.
- Mengapa anda suka photo ini?
- sebab suke la..haha..dye ade sumthing..haha=p [ektly..ske gamba xleh tunjuk..hee=p] - Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
-lmer gilooss x mkn pizza..x hengat dh ble last..pathetic btol la..haha.. - Lagu terakhir anda dengar?
- crush..david archuletha.. - Apa yang anda buat selain membuat tag ini?
- denga laghue..sambil denga org ngaji.. - Selain nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil nama apa?
- aa??pe eh?? cm besh nme len kwn syerk dlue.."KP"..short form ntk kepek pisang..haha..syerk??hurm..korunk la bg suggestion..lau de bg tau eh kt comment..akn dpk-kan..haha.. - Tag lagi 6 orang.
-spe2 yg kebuhsanan..sile uat.. - Siapa no. 1 bagi anda?
- none - Orang ke-3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
- none - Katakan sesuatu berkenaan no. 5.
-none - No. 4?
-none - Siapa orang no. 2?
-none - Bagi pesanan kat orang no. 6.
p/s:- H.L.O.V.A.T.E.....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
tingtong..sen ching phing..pagel hai..blurry..=p
i'm f
i'm fu
i'm ful
i'm full
i'm full o
i'm full of
i'm full of q
i'm full of qu
i'm full of que
i'm full of ques
i'm full of quest
i'm full of questi
i'm full of questio
i'm full of question
i'm full of question m
i'm full of question ma
i'm full of question mar
i'm full of question mark
i'm full of question marks
i'm full of question marks!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
hohoho..sementara menunggu waktu buke..syerk uat tagged neh..hikkz:P..
jom layan..
jom layan..
nama penuh : juliana bt jamhuri lee
tarikh lahir : 29 April 1988
tempat lahir : spital Pantai, mlk
tempat anda dibesarkan : mlk-kdh-jhr-mlk
siapakah nama kawan rapat anda sewaktu anda kecil?
- nur ashikin othman
- sangeetha
apakah permainan anda mase kecil2 yang anda ingat?
- batu seremban..[pki batu ad..uat sendrik gune kain n kacang ijau ade..haha]
- galah panjang
- lompat getah..[abesh getah tempe kt umh ilg..haha]
- bola sepak..[sngt bkn gurlish tyme neh..g mner2 mest pki cap]
- buaye2..[neh syerk ngn kwn2 create sendrik..haha..tyme org hafazan kt skola agama..kter org g men bende neh]
- ape eh..x ingt nme men dye is..gune pen yg x pki..ngn kulit buah duku or langsat..hikkz=p spe tau..tau la..
- bnyk lgk la..x hengat dh..
- lau tyme kechik2..ko la yg mulakn dlue..spe swuh..hish..dh la..xnk men dh..haha..sngt childish..
- lau skrunk..npe neh?pe slh syerk?xmo la gado2 neh.x besh..eh3..lau syerk silap..sorrie k..heee=p
- kt padang kpng..
- kt dpn umh..
- kt bwh umh..[tyme kt kdh..umah atas..haa.cne eh..spe phm..phm la..huhu]
- kt skola..
- doktor
- akauntan
- guru
apakah kartun atau rancangan tv yang anda gemari dan masih ingat hingga kini?
- tom n jerry
- pink panther
- garfield
- mr bean..[yg neh sile gelak.haha..dlue majuk2 smpi sebab x dpt tgk..last2..ayah blikn video..dlue xderk cd lgk..haha..skrunk dh x minat plak..]
- sumer cter cina..yg ala2 dlue2 pnyer..yg dlue slalue ade kul 6ptg..
makanan ringan apekah yang anda borong di kedai?
- herro..yg coklat
- sotong.ape eh nme dye..panjang2.plastik wane biru..oren..putih..huhu..
- kopok durian
- asam yg panjang2..mcm maggie..wane merah..
nyatakan salah seorang kawan anda mase kecil yang anda teringin sangat nak jumpe sekarang?
- nur ashikin othman
apakah gelaran anda mase kecik?
- jujue..smpi skrunk..
nyatakan seberapa banyak rakan bloggers anda yang ingin tau zaman kanak-kanaknya...
- ana
- ezatul
- aida guzel
- spe2 yg nk uat..=D
hye dear bloggie.
hope u r fine 4 norm as i am..
nothing speacial..
not aways wat v plan cums true huh?
n dats wat hapend 2 me..
rmmbr da 'xcitement'..
probably i din manage to go..
but i'll try my besh...
need 2 consider sum more important thinggy..
just hope dat..if i suddenly cant make it..
hope da ppl involve wil understood diz..hopefully..
da list..
# debate -10 Sept 09
# Quiz 2 math - 11 Sept 09
# last presentation - 12 Sept 09
# Final xms - 2 Oct till 8 Oct 09
till then..pens off..
hye dear bloggie.
hope u r fine 4 norm as i am..
nothing speacial..
not aways wat v plan cums true huh?
n dats wat hapend 2 me..
rmmbr da 'xcitement'..
probably i din manage to go..
but i'll try my besh...
need 2 consider sum more important thinggy..
just hope dat..if i suddenly cant make it..
hope da ppl involve wil understood diz..hopefully..
da list..
# debate -10 Sept 09
# Quiz 2 math - 11 Sept 09
# last presentation - 12 Sept 09
# Final xms - 2 Oct till 8 Oct 09
till then..pens off..
p/s:- dat day..i wanted to mention da word takbir rye.since now is fasting month ryte..but i dunno y my mind n mouth din get mind think of 'takbir' but i end up saying the word 'talkin'..hurm..i wonder..
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