Tuesday, April 10, 2012


salam..hye dear bloggie..
sometyme it feels diz is ryte..but at the other point..
it feels up side down..
some tyme it feels it is da ryte path..
but wen it comes to rationally..realistically..
it feels wrong..
so how? its okai..
there is people saying where..
u just need to follow the flow..
u neva know wen u neva try..
neva will learn anythng..

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

april has come;)

"kami tidak akan ucapkan perkataan 'cinta' kepada mana-mana lelaki ajnabi kerana.. kami simpan perkataan itu untuk diucapkan kepada bakal suami kami."

p/s:- quote yg uat syerk tros ckp.."im gonna be lyke diz..insyaAllah"..i am looking for a husband..not a bf..to guide me till the lifeafter..to be my imam..to be my everythng..baek utk agamaku..baek utk fmlyku..baek utk dunia n akhiratku..ya Allah..ENGKAU tunjukkanlh..KAU permudahkanlah urusanku..aminn!